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Job Ads & AI: The Role of AI in Job Ads Optimization

Job Ads & AI: The Role of AI in Job Ads Optimization

Understanding how generative AI can revolutionize job descriptions and optimize the recruitment process.


26/10/2023 Back to all articles

AI, and ChatGPT are part of our world. How can I make it a tool and use it efficiently? Prompts have to define clearly what you want or what you are looking for. Chances and challenges of AI.

AI is becoming more prevalent across all industries, with ChatGPT and other machine learning tools on the rise.

It is more widely used in recruiting and assessment now, it is the inevitable future when it comes to recruiting faster and more efficiently, delivering better quality in less time.

How AI Enhances the Recruitment Cycle Through Job Ads Optimization 

The recruiting cycle consists of several steps: Identifying the need, job analysis, drafting and job description, posting and advertisement, application collection, screening and shortlisting, interviewing, assessment, reference and background checks, job offerings, negotiation, onboarding, review, and feedback.

AI can contribute on all levels, starting with the job description, the crucial base of the whole process. Some ways in which AI can be applied in the recruitment process are:

  • Optimizing language – more appealing and clearer
  • Skill Matching – analyse resumes and job descriptions
  • Competitive analysis – analyse job listings to gain insights into competitors' salaries, roles, and job descriptions.
  • Role Analysis – break down into skills and competencies
  • Job distribution – based on the description, AI recommends the best platforms to attract right audience
  • Predictive analysis – analyse historical data and current trends to see how successful the job description might attract the best candidates
  • Feedback loop – get feedback from candidates of how accurate and appealing the description was. Use data for improvement
  • Automated job descriptions – for recurrent roles or positions that frequently open. AI can automate the process of drafting job descriptions based on predefined parameters
  • Improving search visibility – AI can optimize to rank higher on platforms

Best Practices for AI-Driven Job Ads Optimization 

The use of AI, a generative pre-defined transformer can improve creation, analysis, and the distribution of job descriptions. Why “can” improve? AI is an enormously potential tool to be used and applied by humans. There are individual definitions of what is wrong or right with respect to the outcome and all-over success of the hiring process and placement, the match of skills and fit in culture and team spirit.

To create a job description that captures the skills, culture and traits needed for a certain role in a particular company is crucial. The more this job description is congruent with the specific role and company, the better the chances to get an excellent fit and the best possible placement.

Overcoming Challenges in AI Job Ads Optimization 

Using a tool means to know how to use it properly, in a specifically and individually adapted way. A tool has to be calibrated wherever measurements are important.

Otherwise, you risk to inadvertently introduce new inaccuracies and biases.

Human-AI Collaboration: The Key to Effective Job Ads Optimization 

In the following some concrete examples of how to apply AI, ChatGPT at its best in job descriptions:

1. Analyse the job descriptions you have already, check the quality of the text, if it works and for what. Slowly build a prompts-list that you can apply with new job descriptions to be written.

2. In a job advertisement you first have to determine how you want to sort and structure the job description:

  • A chronological structure works within a ´regular process´
  • When it comes to leadership roles you rather apply a deductive method, from general to detailed
  • A third option is to structure according to operational and strategic aspects

When working with ChatGPT, you must tailor your prompts. Tell the chatbot which kind of structuring and sorting you want in your job description.
(In the following I name ChatGPT representing other generative AI systems based on machine learning)

3. Decide the style in which you want to write and express it in the according prompt.

When writing avoid nominal style as the text will become too long.

Tell ChatGPT: please avoid the nominal style. Write short sentences with subject predicate object.

However, change the sentence structure to make the text more dynamic. Prompts have to be simple as otherwise ChatGPT gets confused.

Tell ChatGPT: please change the sentence structure to vary.

4. The introduction of a job description and the aim and purpose of a job role always need to be summarized in 2 – 3 sentences, a summarized abstraction. There is a simple basic question to ask: for what this role should be placed?

5. The introductory sentence should claim attention and make curious. It has to consist of promotional and appealing information.

Ask ChatGPT to provide ten options. You can ask ChatGPT as often as you want, take advantage of this. Ask for variations and then filter out the best or combine them.

The advantage of this AI tool is that you get a lot of content within a very short time frame.

6. It is important to describe the tasks of the job via a check list. Do not formulate whole sentences but present bullet points as ChatGPT otherwise may shorten in a not precise way. The tool can be overwhelmed with certain operations to do.

7. Write your headline with ChatGPT. Consider the following:

ChatGPT is NO SEO tool but primarily a language model designed for understanding and generating human-like text. It will not specifically help to improve the visibility in search engine   results. ChatGPT does not fetch or analyse real-time web data. It can however assist with certain SEO related tasks when combined with the expertise of a SEO professional.

8. ChatGPT works well for prototype job advertisements. But you have to consider and take the risk that a well written job ad may not correspond the effective task of the job in the company. The generated description may not reflect the work reality. Be aware!  

9. ChatGPT can be great to get a first idea of a job and start from there, becoming aware of what the role may mean and include. This way you slowly move in the right direction. You see a job ad and ask ChatGPT.

10. ChatGPT can sometimes generate irrelevant or 'hallucinated' content. When you don´t have clear prompts or you do not have a clear structure and goal in your head, ChatGPT can get a bit crazy and does not produce quality but repeats topics. Also, the texts can include aspects you do not want. You always have to carefully and focused revise texts with a clear approach.

11. Job ads and in general texts should reflect the company, the company culture. Content and style of texts define the company and are part of the Branding. Human content creators and texters are important to determine this style in a purposeful way and to verify what ChatGPT generates. Every editing of a text changes the meaning, sometimes a word is enough. ChatGPT does not necessarily capture this.

12. Be aware that you can even tell ChatGPT banal things like emphasizing a word in a text or to substitute a specific word with another one.

AI, ChatGPT, the generative pre-trained transformer based on machine learning is a very potential tool. We have to learn to use it properly, to get the most out of it according to our needs.

Play around with this tool, try different prompts, or ask in a dialogue, more conversational form. Through testing, trial, and error you will learn about the best working prompts for you. You will become aware of all it options and about what works most efficiently for your job descriptions.

Philosophical quote about GPT by GPT:

In the vast tapestry of human knowledge, generative pre-trained transformers not only mirror our thoughts but weave new threads, blurring the line between creation and reflection.

Business quote about GPT by GPT:

In the competitive landscape of the modern economy, generative pre-trained transformers are the game changers, turning data into actionable insights and ideas into scalable solutions

Job ads can definitely be optimized by the collaboration of humans and GPT.

High tech with high touch@Morgan Philips.

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