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So what is really so important about them? The primary reason is simple enough; they serve above all to verify that a person has performed well in their previous roles and that the timeline matches what is written on the CV.
Alternatively, they are also important because they allow recruiters to gather information on the candidate’s skills, attitude, qualities and potential points of concern. If and when the recruiter gets in contact with the previous employer, the exchange should only concern professional experiences and should of course not be a means of obtaining personal information.
Here are some points to consider concerning references in your application:
Why Are Professional References Important in the Hiring Process?
Some recruiters might ask for references during the initial interview. So as not to be caught off guard, think ahead and choose well so that they are an asset to your application and not a disadvantage.
Choosing the Right Professional References: Key Tips
In general, it’s best to contact a former supervisor. Indeed, their opinion will be considered more objective than a good office colleague because they will have had more visibility on your work. For students or recent graduates, a teacher or former tutor is also recommended. Legally, a recruiter can only contact references using the detail you provided; put the odds on your side by choosing a person with whom you have good relations rather than a person with whom your professional collaboration went wrong.
Notify Your Contacts: A Crucial Step in Managing Professional References
To avoid unpleasant surprises, inform your contacts that they are likely to be contacted during your recruitment process so that they will be better prepared to respond to recruiters who question them. This will also allow you to inform them about the position you are looking for and signal what kind of skills they could discuss during their conversation.
Common Questions Asked by Recruiters When Checking References
You’re probably wondering what kind of questions are most frequently asked by recruiters in the context of professional references. Here is a small non-exhaustive list:
- Did Mr/Ms X work in your company?
- What was their function?
- When did they leave you exactly?
- What was their career progression look like?
- What do you think of their technical skills?
- What was their relationship like with management, colleagues and collaborators?
- What would be their areas of improvement?
The Strategic Value of Professional References in Your Application
So even if they are not systematically requested, it is still necessary to have two or three references intelligently chosen and notified in advance. If they are good, they can prove to be a real asset for an application.