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Re-Ignite Your Passion

Re-Ignite Your Passion

If we commit taking care of ourselves physically and emotionally, to becoming more self-aware, and to taking the time and effort to build strong, sustaining relationships, we can immunize ourselves against burnout.

22/01/2020 Back to all articles

Passion is defined as ‘an intense enthusiasm for something’. While, Burnout is widely recognized as the combined phases of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced performance. Many of us strive to find a career we are passionate about; after all, we do spend a large part of life in the workplace. However, once we work in a career that we believe is our passion, sometimes we become burned out with our jobs.

Passion is defined as ‘an intense enthusiasm for something’. While, Burnout is widely recognized as the combined phases of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced performance. Many of us strive to find a career we are passionate about; after all, we do spend a large part of life in the workplace. However, once we work in a career that we believe is our passion, sometimes we become burned out with our jobs.

Passion vs. Burnout: Two Sides of Professional Life

Every day we want to do the best we can for the people we serve. We are committed to our communities and mission because the work we do is important, and we do it with passion and care. But what if our commitment and passion are leading us straight to burnout? One of the worst things burnout does is it takes away the pleasure you had in your work. Lack of enthusiasm and feeling disconnected from your work are some of the key signs of occupational burnout.

What Are the Main Causes of Job Burnout? 

There are many things that can lead to burnout, and it differs for every person. 

  • A feeling of little control, and not being able to make your own decisions about your workload will cause you to burnout.
  • You are unsure about your expectations and you’re likely frustrated with your work.
  • A poor work culture. The attitude and morale of people around you will directly impact your satisfaction with your job.
  • Lack of work-life balance. Giving a lot of your energy and time to work, your personal life can suffer.
  • High engagement with your work.being over-engage with your job can lead you to feel a constant need to overwork and be involved with projects which lead to stressful situations, and emotional exhaustion.

Passion is fuel for energy.

Passion featured image


How to Reignite Your Passion at Work and Avoid Burnout 

When feelings of burnout start to occur, many people focus on short-term solutions such as taking a vacation. While this can certainly help, the relief is often only temporary.

Work with Purpose

Rediscovering your purpose can go a long way towards helping you avoid burnout and keeping stress at bay. If you think you’re in the wrong role or career, develop a career strategy to help you plan for a career that’s better for you.

Perform a Job Analysis

When you experience work that is overloaded, you can start to feel as if you’re on a treadmill and that you’ll never catch up. Performing job analysis to clarify what’s expected to you and what isn’t.

“Give” to Others

A quick and easy way to add meaning to your career is to give to others or help them in small ways. Even the smallest act of kindness can re-energize you and help you find meaning in your work.

Take Control

You can avoid or overcome burnout by finding ways to create more autonomy in your role. You’ll feel more in control of your work if you manage your time effectively. Learn prioritization techniques, and make use of To-Do Lists or an Action Plan to take control of your day.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise can help to alleviate stress and create a sense of well-being. Getting exercise will also increase energy and productivity.

Learn to Manage Stress

Short-term stress can contribute to burnout. Managing stress is all about taking charge: taking charge of your thoughts, your emotions, your schedule, your environment, and the way you deal with problems. By monitoring your thoughts and practicing positive thinking, you can change unhelpful reactions and manage your emotions through stressful situations.

If we commit taking care of ourselves physically and emotionally, to becoming more self-aware, and to taking the time and effort to build strong, sustaining relationships, we can immunize ourselves against burnout.

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