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Things to do when starting your new role as a team leader

Things to do when starting your new role as a team leader

Anticipating a promotion soon and want to get off to a good start? Here are some top tips on how to successfully begin your role as a manager.

19/12/2019 Back to all articles

Being a manager is a milestone in many professionals’ career trajectories, but as we all know, not everyone makes a great one. From communication skills, to confidence and driving results, the responsibility is daunting to many.

Anticipating a promotion soon and want to get off to a good start? Here are some top tips on how to successfully begin your role as a manager:

Understanding why you’ve been hired

Are you joining a new company as a team leader? When entering this new role, take time to reflect on what is being asked of you by the hiring managers and why the company needs you. What are the company’s goals and how are you particularly qualified to facilitate that journey? After finding your bearings in the new role, dedicate a portion of your work in creating a 90-day plan and drafting 3 ways on how you can make your mark in the initial stages of the job, showcasing capability and gaining trust. Identifying and reminding yourself of how you fit in the overall operations of the business will help drive your motivation and deliver the best results possible.

Getting to know your peers and leaders

As a business manager, you have a visible profile within the office that you will need to leverage throughout your role. Begin by scheduling meetings with other managers and business leaders to establish relationships, explain your responsibilities and go into detail on how you can help them, as well as vice versa.

Getting to know your team

In this scenario, you have just been given management duties over people you have never worked with. Take time to develop a rapport with them and understand how they work – what drives better results and what hinders their work? Commit to scheduled meetings with each individual on a regular basis at the beginning of your new role to monitor their performance, develop that relationship and listen to any of their concerns that could benefit your leadership style. Remember not to fall in the trap of establishing authority or trying to be liked; respect will come gradually as you demonstrate successful initiative.

Managing remote workers too? Read our article on how to foster relationships with them.

Knowing how you can develop your team

Being a manager is as much a mentoring role as it is one that drives results. A great manager may be remembered by the leadership corner as having boosted revenue, but the team which they oversaw will remember them for the things they learnt under their leadership. Over time, you will understand the gaps in your team’s knowledge and know how you can best inspire and teach them. Think about how the delegation of responsibilities can increase their skillsets and confidence, instead of simply assigning tasks to complete them easily. Be realistic and manage expectations too; do not promise training opportunities if the budget doesn’t allow it.

Avoiding the past

In your new role, your main objective is to develop great quality work to positively impact the future of the company. It is in nobody’s best interests to have old ways of working criticised and compared to how you used to do it in your old role. Rejecting your predecessor’s approach risks triggering a negative reaction from anyone who has a good memory of their time in the business, and in turn damaging your attempts to foster a positive work environment.


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