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Keywords such as war for talents, competence management, future competencies and agility reflect current challenges of companies and often the question arises: "Is our company as an employer on the right track?
Many companies are in the process of changing their talent processes and are planning corresponding investments. Accordingly, it is important to set the right focus and to know where the risks lie in relation to talent.
t.Check: The free talent "health check" for your company.

The t.Check brings a modern, future-oriented perspective.
It provides recruiters and decision makers with an unbiased assessment of their organizational talent, aligned with t.Frame - our modern and flexible talent framework for the new world of work.
Morgan Philips Talent Consulting is an industry-leading team of experts that helps you assess, develop and collaborate with the best talent. Our unique, science-based and data-driven solutions enable you to understand your talent and develop effective strategies to succeed in the new world of work.
Our Talent Framework t.Frame highlights 5 critical areas for workforce performance.
Invest 5 min. today and take the free t.Check:

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