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Cyber Threat Investigation, Intelligence and Management - Why your organization should seek Cyber Threat Management

Cyber Threat Investigation, Intelligence and Management - Why your organization should seek Cyber Threat Management

Cyber threats pose significant risks to organizations, requiring robust cyber threat investigation, intelligence, and management strategies to detect, prevent, and respond to attacks effectively.

14/02/2024 Back to all articles

By Lars BroserSenior Consultant Technology & Digital at Morgan Philips Executive Search


Cyber Threat refers to any potential malicious attack that seeks to unlawfully access and copy or use data, disrupt digital operations, or damage information.
It encompasses a wide range of possible incidents like attacks on data and information systems by hackers, insider threats, phishing scams, ransomware, and other forms of malware.
Attacks can target individuals, businesses, and government organizations, posing significant risk and damage to financial security, privacy, and critical infrastructure.
The intent behind these attacks vary, from financial or information gain, espionage, personal damage, or just simply disruption and chaos.

In order to prevent any serious or even minor damage, a company needs to know about being attacked or recognize the potential of being attacked. Some attacks (as per our recent article) are hardly notable while others destroy immediately and in an irreversible way.
To protect themselves companies need to implement Cyber Threat Investigation or Intelligence (CTI) and Cyber Threat Management. They need to decide between in-house analysts and outsourced IT Services, and they need to determine a strategy, which can be pro-active or reactive. To identify potential threats and respond accordingly, you need the right combination of human and technological resources.

Cyber Threat Investigation means to examine and analyse threats, to understand their nature, origin, impact, and the methods to carry out an attack. This investigative process aims to identify the perpetrators, their objectives, and the vulnerabilities exploited during the attack. Digital evidence is collected, malware analysed, the attack tracked back to its source. You need to understand tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by attackers.

The goals of a Cyber Threat Investigation include:

  • Determining the scope of the attack

Clarify how widespread the attack is and which systems, networks, or data have been compromised.

  • Identifying the attackers

Find out who is responsible for the attack, individuals, groups, or state-sponsored actors

  • Understanding the motivation

Why was your company attacked, was it financial gain, espionage, sabotage, or other reasons. Why in particular this organization?

  • Analysing the impact

Assessing the damage caused, including data loss, financial impact, and damage to reputation. Consider legal aspects as for your clients and towards the company.

Cyber Threat Investigations are conducted by cybersecurity professionals who use a variety of tools and techniques, including digital forensics, network analysis, and Cyber Threat Intelligence. As the name already exemplifies, Cyber Threat Intelligence and Cyber Threat Investigation are related but have distinct approaches.

Cyber Threat Intelligence focuses on proactive gathering, analysis, and dissemination of threats. It aims to understand the landscape of potential threats before they impact an organization. Cyber Threat Intelligence has a broad scope collecting data from a broad variety of sources, identify actors, TTPs and indicators of compromise (IoC). Intelligence has a strategic use, analysing to then implement mechanisms for prevention. It is about understanding and potentially anticipating attacks. Cyber Threat Intelligence is a continuous process, an ongoing activity, constantly updating its data, reflecting the evolving nature of cyber threats.

Cyber Threat Intelligence gathers data from different sources, including open-source intelligence (OSINT), social media, deep and dark web sources, and technical data from existing security systems. Advanced CTI systems employ artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyse and validate enormous amounts of data, enhancing accuracy and relevancy.

Cyber Threat Investigation is a reactive approach. The process begins after an incident has occurred and aims to understand the specifics of an attack that has already impacted the organization as described above.

Cyber Threat Management aims at preventing attacks. Within the framework you need to consider a risk control system as you are visible via emails, cloud workstations, networks, IoT devices etc. You want a potential threat detection system. Risk management needs to be aligned with threat intelligence, artificial intelligence, and attack models.

Finally, you need a response system designed to respond a threat in different ways, an automated systems as your teams will not be able to monitor your business IT infrastructure 24 hours a day. As soon as a threat is detected the system responds automatically by quarantining a file, blocking a software, or uninstalling a damaging code.

Having an SOC (Security Operations Centre) team in-house is the best solution for preventing and resolving cyber threats. An internal cyber security unit reduces the time react and thus potentially reducing the impact of the attack. However, prepare a response playbook to always be on the safe side.

Analytics are a key factor to Cyber Threat Management. You analyse every incident, keep a record and are prepared to interfere immediately a potential next time. Implementing Cyber Threat Investigation, Intelligence and Management will enhance your company´s security posture.

It will provide detection, prevention and risk mitigation by tailoring your cybersecurity strategies. It will also keep you updated on the constantly evolving cyber threat landscape, crucial for maintaining robust security protocols and compliance with regulatory standards.

In-house Cyber Security Management is crucial for preventing threats and minimizing attacks.

Expertised Cyber Security specialists will be able to understand your organization and processes in-depth, customize your security solutions, respond immediately when necessary, continuously monitor and improve, train employees and their awareness, align with regulatory compliance, manage Cyber Security cost efficiently, integrate with your business strategy, be confidential, flexible and emphasizing on control and scalability.

They will minimize risk and occurrence of Cyber Attacks.

Lars Broser

Lars Broser
Senior Consultant Executive Search | Technology & Digital
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