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In-person breakfast event in London
6th March 2025 9AM – 11AM
Limited to 10 attendees per session. Hosted by Morgan Philips Talent Consulting UK
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There is a growing body of evidence to support Purpose-driven leadership – the idea that leaders who have a clear and compelling reason for why they do what they do, develop higher performing teams and create greater value for the organisation.
When individual, team and organisational Purpose is aligned, leadership performance is optimised, team engagement and impact increases, and potential is realised. Join us to explore the transformative power of Purpose-driven leadership at our exclusive breakfast event.
Seeking to elevate their leadership impact by inspiring their teams.
Looking to drive growth while embedding organisational values.
Exploring how to capitalise on individual and team performance and potential.
The benefits of Leading with Purpose
Why you should attend:
6th March 2025 | 9AM-11AM Summit House, 12 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4HQ
Co-hosted by Phil Jefferis, Client Director at Morgan Philips Talent Consulting, and Rick Cooper, Founder and Managing Director of The Education Athlete.
Client Director, Morgan Philips Talent Consulting UK
Phil is a psychologist and accredited coach with over 20 years of experience in assessing and developing business leaders and their teams internationally. As Client Director at Morgan Philips, he specialises in helping leaders align their vision and Purpose with their organisational goals
Founder and Managing Director, The Education Athlete
Rick applies powerful Purpose-driven interventions in both the corporate and professional sporting worlds. With a strong background in leadership development, Rick focuses on helping individuals and teams achieve their full potential.
Don't miss your chance and register now!
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