Morgan Philips'
New Agility model

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Morgan Philips' New Agility Model?

Once upon a time the world was more predictable - we could plan ahead of time with confidence that cause and effect was stable. The new world require new rules.

The VUCA world calls for a different kind of organisational player – someone who senses what is happening around them, then responds proactively and independently, in ways that aligns with business purpose and objectives.

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About the model

Our innovative new performance framework

t.Frame is our simple yet powerful framework that allows you to easily understand the behavioural potential and capabilities of your talent.

Based on today's new world of work and the need to thrive in dynamic landscapes, we've defined our own unique agility model which sits at the very heart of the framework, representing the pace at which assessed potential may be unlocked.

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A uniquely defined perspective for:

  • Selection assessment
  • Succession planning
  • Readiness for role transition / promotion
  • Development / learning centres
  • Outplacement
  • On-boarding / executive coaching
  • Executive leadership coaching


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Agility is considered across 3 key aspects ?

  • People Agility: Understanding self and others, and acting with empathy and interpersonal insight to achieve results ("empathy and emotional intelligence")
  • Performance agility: Dealing with pressure, being resilient, flexing and adapting plans to meet objectives
  • Growth Agility: Openness to learn from experience and drive for improvements ("fixed/growth mindset")


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